In this episode of Look-A-Likes, I alter a screenshot of Mommytard, a.k.a. Katilette, to resemble Sandra Bullock. They have always looked similar to me, especially when Sandras on the red carpet! Of course, Mommytard is alot younger so they look more like sisters than anything! As always, its a goal of mine to show the resemblance to the celebrity while still being recognizable as themselves. Katilette is such an energetic personality, which made it difficult to get a screenshot of her making a normal face (lol). I ended up using a picture from when she was pregnant, which made her face a little wider than were all used to seeing. Thus, I made a few corrections to her jawline, which didn't come out looking exactly realistic, but you can't win them all! Enjoy the transformation and, if you see a good YouTube look-a-like, let me know!
Watch the video here: Look-A-Likes: Sandra Bullock and Mommytard!?